What is ZETESIS?

Zetesis is a research project related to the University of Pisa History and Philosophy Department. It gathers the activities of five research groups:

1. Classical German Philosophy and Phenomenology

2. The Quarrel between Ancients and Moderns

3. The Quarrel between Philosophy and Poetry

4. Theories of Emotions

5. Philosophies of Image and Imagination

All these groups share a way of living the passion for philosophical knowledge. Their approach could be defined “zetetic”.

In Ancient Greek “zétesis” means to investigate, to adopt a critical attitude, nourished by a fruitful skepticism, and to intend philosophy as an one’s own experience on oneself. Hence, this project strives to rediscover Socratic origins of philosophical investigation.

Moreover, all research groups embrace Kantian conviction that philosophy – unless it is in an historical manner – cannot be learned; a philosopher to be should at most learn to philosophize. All Zetesis projects will explore how to philosophize nowadays.

This blog will provide updated news about the events our research groups will organize or in which they will be involved.

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